Who We Are

Apostolic Elder Team

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Todd Westphal

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Terry King


Jerry Miller

Aligned Ministries


Central American Relief Project

To sow into the children of believers in El Salvador to leave an inheritance for the next generation.

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Equipping children and their families to seek God's Kingdom together with online devotional videos and resources, evangelical outreach and children's leadership training.

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Cristo Centro Congregation

More information coming soon

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Move Toward Unity

Move Toward Unity exists and labors to see the Oneness of believing Jew and Gentile, The Oneness of denominations and streams within the Church, and the Oneness of the hearts of each believer manifest before Jesus' Return.


Grace Empowers!

Working to encourage the coming together of generations, Jew and Gentile, and Israel and the Church.

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Light of the World Global

Working together to break the cycle of generational poverty.


Oaks of Righteousness

Oaks of Righteousness exists to, "Establish Sound, Biblical Truth for Messianic Jewish Studies."

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Heartcry of David

Let’s unite and align with God’s heart for Israel through prophetic worship music.

The Shepherd's Rest

The Shepherd's Rest


Leadership Development Resources

We train and coach leaders. Our distinction rests upon 45 plus years of cross-cultural experience rooted in a spiritual dimension. We love teaching from our own experiences, transferring knowledge. We love learning in the process. Discovery is a two-way street. The interactive methods we incorporate are designed to challenge ideas and mindsets, to develop skills and behaviors.

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Camp Ezri

Camp Ezri is an adventure wilderness program that gives at-risk children an opportunity to participate in hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, four-wheeling, and exploring nature to build character and confidence.

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Frederick Prayer House

We exist to inspire, equip and mobilize people to an awakened prayer life here in Frederick County and beyond. The 24-7 Prayer Room is located in downtown Frederick, providing a safe space to come meet and interact with God. It serves as a Christian fueling station both for the city's faith community and for those who are searching.

ESI connects Kingdom hearts for the work of the Lord.

Ministry Consultation

ESI provides Kingdom, biblical consulting services to ministries and congregational leaders through monthly meetings, scheduled seminars and phone consultations.

It’s our heart to lend experience consultation to your kingdom vision and mission.

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Leadership Support and Development

ESI aligns with leaders and ministries to implement and develop their biblical leadership mission, vision, and values.

It’s our heart to bring apostolic fathering to help equip you for your calling through prayer support, leadership equipping and training seminars, and consultation with your leadership team.

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Pastoral Support

ESI provides pastoral support through prayer and discipleship.

It’s our heart to bring covenant fathering to strengthen your personal relationship with the Lord to walk out your Kingdom destiny.

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Influencing, Oversight, Accountability and Guidance

ESI provides governing by influence, oversight and relational accountability to growing ministries.

We believe there can be no authority if you’re not under authority. It is our heart to provide oversight and apostolic covering to your ministry.

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Vision Development

ESI assists ministries in developing visions and missions to help bring clarity and direction for their calling.

It is our heart to help you walk out Habakkuk 2:2, “Write the vision down and make it plain on tablets, so that he who reads it may with it.”

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Apostolic Fathering

ESI mentors its aligned ministries modeled through covenantal relationship and personal discipleship.

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Roeh Todd Westphal

Was ordained in 1993 and has a degree from Messiah Biblical Institute and attended East Coast Bible College. As a six-year U.S. Navy Veteran, Todd was able to travel the world. Todd has been serving as the Senior Leader of El Shaddai Congregation of Frederick, Maryland for 22 years and is the Executive Director for El Shaddai International. Todd has a passion for individuals and communities to be equipped and released into who the Lord has created them to be. Todd is a counselor and connector, connecting Kingdom hearts for the work of the Lord. In addition to his other roles, he serves on the Tikkun International Board and the Tikkun America, American Apostolic Team. Todd and his lovely wife, Deborah, have been married for over 35 years and reside in the Frederick, MD area.

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Terry King

He often says, “I love to train and resource leaders!” Terry’s teaching and equipping calling has taken him across the United States and to forty-one countries. Terry has served as a trainer, leadership coach, mentor, pastor, conference and seminar speaker, college instructor and academic dean. Married to Linda in 1972, the Kings are based in Hagerstown, Maryland, having previously lived in Zimbabwe and the Philippines. Terry’s academic preparation includes Master of Arts degrees in Cross Cultural Communication, and in Leadership Development and a Doctor of Ministry. Terry currently serves as the executive director of Leadership Development Resources and is part of the leadership team of Alliance International Ministries.

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Jerry Miller

He is a Messianic Jew who came to faith in Yeshua (Jesus) in 1975. He and his wife Jo have served in the Messianic movement for over forty years, including almost thirty years leading congregations in Maryland and Florida. Over the years, Jerry and Jo have ministered in the USA and internationally, teaching in congregations, Bible schools and other settings. They have a passion for raising up the next generations, and much of their focus now is on equipping younger leaders for life and ministry, working with Tikkun America and El Shaddai International. Jerry and Jo have been married for more than 44 years and have two daughters and five grandchildren.

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